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Monday, November 08, 2004

Am I the only one who's fucking normal anymore?

Sorry for the curse in the title. I just feel bad when I change Eminem's lines.

So, Saturday morning I suggest to a McGillian friend of mine nee in Ontario that my girlfriend, Joanna, would be lucky if she moved to America now because of the exchange rate. It wouldn't be too expensive to start there, and after she got a job, it wouldn't matter anyway. (Deep down, I don't know if I can testify that this comment was made to make conversation without having to result in an overstated political theorem)(that's because I've gotten too accustomed to doing so, I don't notice if it's happening or not).

She responds, "Yes, but then she'd have to live in the States." I return the blankest stare I can muster, and she said, "Sorry, dude."

I must say, you don't have to be a die-hard liberal if you don't want to! But wait, your boyfriend and all his friends are.... hmmm... I guess it is a little hard to found your own ideas under that context (yeah, right!). But even then, you could go to the source and make some conclusions and simply keep quiet when things arise. Like me. Then again, I didn't really do a good job of that since everyone hates me anyway: I am the embodiment of what their fighting against right? I mean, they have no trouble taking down an ignorant evangelican, but an actually intellectual who's conservative? Lo and behold! O wept! But still I'm sure with your social skills you can avoid having to show conviction on any issue. But then, you are Canadian, and nationality is much more important that well-being or integrity.

Don't take that too seriously, but be warned: if your only news source is your friends, you forfeit your right to an opinion.

What's more! The next member of the group sends out emailings semiweekly with political propaganda! What pretensiousness! What gall do you have in you that convinces you that people want deep down to read the quasi-intellectual slanted jerky you can produce. I'd seriously like to discuss this at length. Someone email me.

And there's more. I mean, what has four years here at a difficult university taught you? Band together in packs? Survival of the fittest? If you're not with us, you're against us? And since I can't claim to know so much more about adult life I have to wonder: what is going to happen to me out there. Will I find another group with an equally unfounded demagogue which sucks in potentially free thinkers?

I'll be back. I'm not done.


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