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Monday, March 13, 2006

An eerie coincidence

Have you ever noticed that the Gym is just like a dance club? Notice,
first of all, that you have to put on special clothes to go. Specific
shoes, no jeans. Then while you're in there you can't make eye contact
with other people. Well, you can, but it's a bit awkward. The whole
time there's dance music thumping away, while you pump yourself up
trying to look entertained. You can go by yourself, but you'd much
rather go with your buddies, so you can make fun of the other people.
For example, you might have a grand old time pointing out a fat ass or
the hugest boobs.

Of course, in the gym, you're not trying to pick up girls but rather
trying to get a good workout, which means getting the best machines.
Think of these as the analogue to girls. The best machines are always
surrounded by guys, not letting anyone else cut in on their action.
Sometimes you see a machine that's perfectly deserted from far away,
but when you go up to it you see that it's broken. Maybe a piece of it
is missing, or it's simply not plugged in. Maybe it's too much work
putting the weights on it yourself. Either way, all the other people
in the gym noticed this before and that's why there's no one using it.

As a side note, my favorite 'machine' is really just those two metal
arms that you can suspend yourself on and lift your legs up. When I
use it, I kinda feel like I'm snowboarding.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heh, sounds like a Seinfeld rant...

Another eerie coincidence for you: in addition to the both of us, every other small-scale blog I read on a regular basis updated today after a semi-long break.

6:50 PM  
Blogger nroa9882 said...

Along those same lines, I just read a case that was displaying undue influence and they describe a pattern that displays it. Tell me if it makes you think about every sexual experience you've ever had:
1)discussion of the transaction at an unusual or inappropriate time
2)consumation of the transaction in an unusual place
3)insistent demand that the business be finished at once
4)the use of multiple persuaders by the dominant side against a single servient party (gangbang)
5)statements that there is no time to consult financial advisers or attorneys

12:46 PM  

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